Monday, March 24, 2008

The Discipline of Gratitude

A spiritual discipline that helps keep me mindful of God's steadfast, abiding presence is a gratitude journal. One of the last things I do before turning out the light to go to sleep, is to write a prayer to God listing at least five things for which I am thankful that day. This is not an original idea -- I think I heard it suggested on "Oprah" years ago. It also certainly hearkens back to the old hymn "Count Your Blessings" and even further back to the Psalms that offer praise for how the writer has seen God at work. Of all the spiritual disciplines, this is the one I have followed most faithfully and most consistently over the years. Now granted, some days I have trouble coming up with five things specific to that day to list. On those days there is always the basic five I can go back to -- family, friends, my dog, a good job, a warm home, food to eat. However, I will take time to reflect on the day and try to come up with more detailed or timely items to list. Maybe I am thankful for the beauty of the forsythia blooming or for the smell of fresh ground coffee or for the kind words someone said or for making it safely home around the DC beltway. Often the items I list are events where I have seen God's gentle, persuasive presence at work in the lives and world around me. Pausing at the end of the day to write a little prayer of gratitude is a way to praise & honor God. It is also a way to lift my spirits. So for March 24, I am thankful for: 1. the modern technology of the Internet 2. a phone conversation with my mom who lives in Baton Rouge 3. a washer and dryer on the same level as all my living space 4. a few days off this week after Easter 5. Panda (my dog, see photo) sleeping at my feet as I sit here at the computer. Thanks be!


revlisasparks said...

Cute picture of Panda. Keep writing! Lisa

Anonymous said...

I speak to God in the morning.
5 things I am grateful for this morning:
1. I woke up
2. first cup of coffee was delicious
3. the sun is bright and warm
4. I received some wonderful e-mails from friends
5. payday is coming this week

D. C. Day

Anonymous said...

Surfed into your blog--thank you for writing and sharing it. Like your book list too. Panda is a cute lil dog. I am grateful for my dog Sysco also. Chuck